

Russian Marking Code: the Stealth® Data Matrix Solution for the Fashion Industry

Join the Webinar on September 23rd at 11 am CEST



Are you familiar with the unified national Track & Trace Digital System, also known as Chestny ZNAK? Have you ever heard  about the mandatory ID Code, the so-called Data Matrix, to be assigned to products circulating in Russia? 

In order to support our customers in the management of the tracking system process, we will launch a dedicated webinar "Russian Marking Code: the Stealth® Data Matrix Solution for the Fashion Industry".

Further details on the agenda are set out below: 

WHEN: on September 23rd at 11 am CEST
TOPICS: after an introduction by Dedagroup Stealth, you will assist to the contribution from the Russian partner KORUS Consulting explaining the responsibilities of producers with regard to the import/export processes in Russia; this is followed by Viktoriia Shiriaeva and Michele Lotto, respectively Enterprise Solution Consultant Sales&International and Presales Manager of Dedagrop Stealth, presenting the integration within Stealth® The Fashion Platform, the Data Matrix Solution, designed to optimize and ease the products traceability process.


The Digital Code Marking is mandatory for Footwear since July 2020 and it will be a binding condition also for the Perfumes Industry starting from October 2020 and for the Apparel Industry starting from January 2021